I have this job yaml which work well:
apiVersion: batch/v1
kind: Job
name: cli-commands
- name: cli-commands
image: ubuntu:22.04
command: [ 'bash', '-c']
- DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt update && apt install -y curl && curl -sL https://aka.ms/InstallAzureCLIDeb | bash &&
echo installation successful &&
az storage directory create --account-name {{ .Values.env.secret.azurestorageaccountname | b64dec}} --name {{ .Release.Namespace }}
--share-name {{ .Values.systemFilesPath | default (.Values.serviceName) }}
--account-key *****
restartPolicy: Never
The issue is:
I need to change this part of code (first version):
--share-name {{ .Values.systemFilesPath | default (.Values.serviceName) }}
into this (second version):
--share-name {{ .Values.systemFilesPath | default coreregciqa/(.Values.serviceName) }}
but the second version doesn't work and throws this error:
bad character U+002F '/'
How can I resolve that? All what I want to do is to create a default value which looks like that (for example): coreregciqa/mono ,but I dont know how to deal with the '/' in this case. My first version works well because I don't have the '/' there, but my second version doesn't work.
I need your advice please. Thanks a lot.
Default needs a value after it, and it can't automatically complete the splicing, you need to explicitly call the function to connect the string.
Like this:
--share-name {{ .Values.systemFilesPath | default (printf "coreregciqa/%s" .Values.serviceName) }}