Hi guys I'm new to play framework,
Qun 1:
what I wanted in my server is Users can upload images, and see uploaded images in web page, when I run the server in Dev mode everything is works fine (I can upload and see the images in web page), but I try do this same thing in production mode, uploading works fine(images saved in public directory) but images are not visible in web page...!
my twirl html template:
<img src="@routes.Assets.versioned(public/file1.png)" width=25% height=auto alt="file1.png">
GET /versionedAssets/*file controllers.Assets.versioned(path="/public", file: Asset)
browser's Elements page (F12):
<img src="/versionedAssets/file1.png" width="25%" height="auto" alt="file1.png">
I can even show the image using NGINX (passing image location as an url) successfully, but why i can't see the image in play's production mode?, I don't even have clue about what part I did wrong.! please help me if you know anything about it.!
Qun 2:
Is that possible to serve our app without frontend server like NGINX, etc. because play already running in AkkaHttpServer.
After reading docs
I've found Ok.SendFile()
method used to serving files, then I've created a method in controller
def getImageFromPath()= Action{ implicit request: Request[AnyContent] =>
Ok.sendFile(new java.io.File("/path/to/file")) }
then added route in routes file
GET /getimage controllers.ImageController.getImageFromPath()
reverse routing in Twirl template
<img src="@routes.ImageController.getImageFromPath()" width=25% height=auto alt="file1.png">
helped me to solve this issue..!