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Removing element from table reactjs

I have created the table and I have different types of elements that I want to add. After adding the element I want the option to delete one specific element by clicking on the remove button.

import * as React from 'react';
import { useState } from 'react'; 
import { Table } from 'reactstrap';
import { Button } from 'reactstrap';

export default function App() {
 let [myArray, updateMyArray] = useState([]);

 function addElement() {
 updateMyArray((arr) => [
  <Element value={myArray.length} handleDelete={handleDelete} />,

const handleDelete = (index, e) => {
updateMyArray(myArray.filter((item) => item.value !==;

return (
  <Button onClick={addElement}>Add Element</Button>

function Element({ value, handleDelete }) {
return (
    <Button onClick={(e) => handleDelete(value, e)}>Remove Element</Button>

With this code snippet, I have an option to create as many elements as I want. But if I create, let's say 10 elements, and I want to delete the 5th element, one cannot delete only that element, but all elements added after the 5th element is created. I am new at the react therefore I cannot realize what causes this problem.

The link for the code:


  • You should create unique index each element of array and dont store component as @Chrisg mentioned.


    let [myArray, updateMyArray] = useState([]);
      function addElement(value) {
        updateMyArray((arr) => [...arr,value]);
      const handleDelete = (index) => {
        updateMyArray(myArray.filter((item,i) => index !== i));
      return (
          <Button onClick={() => addElement("newElement")}>Add Element</Button>
            <tbody>{,index) => {
              return <tr>
              <td>{item} {index}</td>
                <Button onClick={() => handleDelete(index, item)}>Remove Element</Button>

    link :