As you see on the above picture, I need to wrap the cell text without dividing any word characters into two lines.
Also I want to preserve the column width.
I made the issue words in bold to illustrate the problem.
These are initial cells text without any wrapping:
Pressure Vessel
Infra , Platfrom Facilities
Follow up Clamps , Weak Points
My actual dataset is 11k rows. grateful for all your help.
Sub Wraptext()
Range("A2:A4").Wraptext = True
End Sub
The idea of this answer is fully go to @Ike and @Brennan.
I just convert it to VBA code to make it easier for anyone have the same issue.
Sub Replace_non_breaking_space()
'Chr(160) is the (non_breaking_Space)
'Chr(32) is the normal Space
Dim ws As Worksheet
Set ws = ActiveSheet 'adapt to your need
Dim cel As Range
For Each cel In ws.Range("A2:A4")
cel = Application.Trim(Replace(cel, Chr(160), Chr(32)))
Next cel
ws.Range("A2:A4").WrapText = True
End Sub