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hudson.FilePath : How to list subDirectories as well whole using excludes glob filter

I am working on a Jenkins custom Plugin, where I need to list all valid FilePaths: sub-Directories and child files, excluding some temporary files like .git,.npm,.cache etc, the full list is included in below code sample:

String excludes = "node_modules/**/*,**/node_modules/**/*,.git/**,.npm*/**,**/.npm*/**,**/.nvm*/**,**/cronus/**,**/.cache/**,**/npmtmp/**,**/.tmp/**";
FilePath[] validFileAndFolderPaths = workspace.list("**/*", excludes);

The above code is giving me all of the files in the workspace FilePath, but not the sub-directories.

There is a method for listing all sub-directories hudson.FilePath#listDirectories, but that doesn't support exclusion list. Any help on how to achieve this requirement?


  • You can't use hudson.FilePath#listDirectories with a exclude/include patterns. Hence you will have to implement your own method to get the directories supporting Ant pattern matching. Here is a sample code.



    Java Code

    private String [] getDirectories(String baseDir, String excludes) {
        DirSet ds = new DirSet();
        ds.setDir(new File(baseDir));
        for (String token : excludes.split(",")) {
        DirectoryScanner scanner = ds.getDirectoryScanner(new Project());
        String[] directories = scanner.getIncludedDirectories();
        return directories;

    Calling the method

    String excludes = "node_modules/**/*,**/node_modules/**/*,.git/**,.npm*/**,**/.npm*/**,**/.nvm*/**,**/cronus/**,**/.cache/**,**/npmtmp/**,**/.tmp/**";
    String dir = "/SOME/DIR";
    String[] directories = getDirectories(dir, excludes);