Json Outpt I have
"data": [
"agent-config": {
"are-all-plugins-disabled": false,
"is-management-disabled": false,
"is-monitoring-disabled": false,
"plugins-config": null
"availability-config": {
"is-live-migration-preferred": null,
"recovery-action": "RESTORE_INSTANCE"
"availability-domain": "RRSt1",
"capacity-reservation-id": null,
"compartment-id": "ocid1.compartmeiox33bbyq",
"dedicated-vm-host-id": null,
"defined-tags": {
"Oracle-Tags": {
"CreatedBy": "ops",
"CreatedOn": "2022-01-05T19:34:56.443Z"
"display-name": "Dnode0",
"extended-metadata": {},
"fault-domain": "FAULT-DOMAIN-2",
"freeform-tags": {
"Type": "TEST-mongo"
"id": "ocid1.instance.oc1.me-jeozlnq7t4eqkfjlaxyq6a",
"image-id": "ocid1.image.om3jrq4i5gf4k2kq",
"instance-options": {
"are-legacy-imds-endpoints-disabled": false
"ipxe-script": null,
"launch-mode": "PARAVIRTUALIZED",
"launch-options": {
"boot-volume-type": "PARAVIRTUALIZED",
"firmware": "UEFI_64",
"is-consistent-volume-naming-enabled": true,
"is-pv-encryption-in-transit-enabled": false,
"network-type": "PARAVIRTUALIZED",
"remote-data-volume-type": "PARAVIRTUALIZED"
"lifecycle-state": "RUNNING",
"metadata": {},
"platform-config": null,
"preemptible-instance-config": null,
"region": "me-1",
"shape": "VM1",
"shape-config": {
"baseline-ocpu-utilization": null,
"gpu-description": null,
"gpus": 0,
"local-disk-description": null,
"local-disks": 0,
"local-disks-total-size-in-gbs": null,
"max-vnic-attachments": 2,
"memory-in-gbs": 15.0,
"networking-bandwidth-in-gbps": 1.0,
"ocpus": 1.0,
"processor-description": "2.0 GHz Intel\u00ae Xeon\u00ae Platinum 8167M (Skylake)"
"source-details": {
"boot-volume-size-in-gbs": null,
"boot-volume-vpus-per-gb": null,
"image-id": "ocid1.image.oc1.me-j3jrq4i5gf4k2kq",
"kms-key-id": null,
"source-type": "image"
"system-tags": {},
"time-created": "2022-01-05T19:34:56.894000+00:00",
"time-maintenance-reboot-due": null
"agent-config": {
"are-all-plugins-disabled": false,
"is-management-disabled": false,
"is-monitoring-disabled": false,
"plugins-config": null
"availability-config": {
"is-live-migration-preferred": null,
"recovery-action": "RESTORE_INSTANCE"
"availability-domain": "RRS-1",
"capacity-reservation-id": null,
"compartment-id": "ocid1.compartmentselksvqyp2aiox33bbyq",
"dedicated-vm-host-id": null,
"defined-tags": {
"Oracle-Tags": {
"CreatedBy": "ops",
"CreatedOn": "2022-01-05T19:38:08.746Z"
"display-name": "Application-Sandbox-WEBSERVER-20220715T184918",
"extended-metadata": {},
"fault-domain": "FAULT-DOMAIN-2",
"freeform-tags": {
"Type": "TEST-mongo"
"id": "ocid1.instanceathpfbjo7le5iosl4oa",
"image-id": "ocid1.image.oc1.mekdzloqgdctm3jrq4i5gf4k2kq",
"instance-options": {
"are-legacy-imds-endpoints-disabled": false
"ipxe-script": null,
"launch-mode": "PARAVIRTUALIZED",
"launch-options": {
"boot-volume-type": "PARAVIRTUALIZED",
"firmware": "UEFI_64",
"is-consistent-volume-naming-enabled": true,
"is-pv-encryption-in-transit-enabled": false,
"network-type": "PARAVIRTUALIZED",
"remote-data-volume-type": "PARAVIRTUALIZED"
"lifecycle-state": "RUNNING",
"metadata": {},
"platform-config": null,
"preemptible-instance-config": null,
"region": "me-jh-1",
"shape": "VM.Standard2.1",
"shape-config": {
"baseline-ocpu-utilization": null,
"gpu-description": null,
"gpus": 0,
"local-disk-description": null,
"local-disks": 0,
"local-disks-total-size-in-gbs": null,
"max-vnic-attachments": 2,
"memory-in-gbs": 15.0,
"networking-bandwidth-in-gbps": 1.0,
"ocpus": 1.0,
"processor-description": "2.0 GHz Intel\u00ae Xeon\u00ae Platinum 8167M (Skylake)"
"source-details": {
"boot-volume-size-in-gbs": null,
"boot-volume-vpus-per-gb": null,
"image-id": "ocid1.image.oc1.me5vkdzloqgdctm3jrq4i5gf4k2kq",
"kms-key-id": null,
"source-type": "image"
"system-tags": {},
"time-created": "2022-01-05T19:38:09.186000+00:00",
"time-maintenance-reboot-due": null
Ansible debug: where jsondata.data returns the json output
ictimecreated: "{{ jsondata.data| selectattr('display-name', 'equalto', 'MasimoSafetyNet-Sandbox-*-*' ) | list}}"
Now this is actually huge list where I have Key value like "display-name": "Application-Sandbox-WEBSERVER-20220715T184918"
Now i want to create list form json object by selecting only if display-name has Application-Sandbox-(*wildcard)-(*wildcard)
This first two term remains same only rest should be wildcard which changes. How do i create list from json object. I try to search jmespath and jinja2 template, i also tried but didnt work for me.
After the list is return I should able to get list of image_id
[ imageid_1 , imageid2_]
Only image ids where display name has Application-Sandbox
*PS If euqual to is "Application-Sandbox-WEBSERVER-20220715T184918" The element get selected but I want to add wildcard instead of WEBSERVER - 20222 So i can other similar elements
I also trying to "{{ jsondata.data| (selectattr('display-name', 'search', 'Application-Sandbox--' ) ) and (selectattr('lifecycle-state', 'equalto', 'RUNNING' ) )| list}}"
Use tests search if you want to test a wildcard. For example,
selectattr('display-name', 'search', 'MasimoSafetyNet-Sandbox-*-*' )
Then map the attribute you want
Example of a complete playbook for testing
shell> cat pb.yml
- hosts: localhost
ictimecreated: "{{ jsondata.data|
selectattr('display-name', 'search', 'Application-Sandbox-*-*' )|
list }}"
- include_vars:
file: data7.json
name: jsondata
- debug:
var: ictimecreated
- ocid1.image.oc1.mekdzloqgdctm3jrq4i5gf4k2kq
Q: "Make multiple conditions"
A: Simplify the data for testing. For example,
- availability-domain: R1
display-name: a-s-node0
image-id: ocid1.image.a
lifecycle-state: RUNNING
- availability-domain: R2
display-name: a-s-node0
image-id: ocid1.image.b
lifecycle-state: STOPPED
- availability-domain: R3
display-name: n-s-node1
image-id: ocid1.image.c
lifecycle-state: STOPPED
- availability-domain: R4
display-name: n-s-node2
image-id: ocid1.image.d
lifecycle-state: RUNNING
Then, select the items by attribute display-name and pick the attribute image-id
d2: "{{ data|
selectattr('display-name', 'search', 'a-s-*' )|
list }}"
- ocid1.image.a
- ocid1.image.b
You can pipe the selection. For example,
d3: "{{ data|
selectattr('display-name', 'search', 'a-s-*' )|
selectattr('lifecycle-state', 'eq', 'RUNNING' )|
list }}"
- ocid1.image.a
You might want to simplify such complex structures before testing. For example, select keys from the dictionaries by using ansible.utils.keep_keys
test_keys: [availability-domain, display-name, image-id, lifecycle-state]
data: "{{ jsondata.data|map('ansible.utils.keep_keys', target=test_keys)|list }}"