I am new to programming, So I might be doing this the completely wrong way but I appreciate any help. For my project, I am creating a card game. I created an array that holds the names of all the cards I have already created with my constructor. I want the startGame() to randomly select a card out of the list and then assign that card to the 'x' variable and place that card in the player's deck. Afterward, I want to grab the 'x' variable to re-construct the card moving it from the player's deck and into the game board when the button is pressed.
I keep getting this error. "x.render is not a function"
How could I go about doing this? I know that .render is only inside of my class Cards how can I invoke it outside of this?
class Cards{
constructor(cardName, type, color, className){
this.cardName = cardName
this.type = type
this.alive = true
this.color = color
this.className = className
ctx.fillStyle = this.color
const wizard = new Cards("Wizard", "Magic", 'blue',"card")
const knight = new Cards("Knight", "Melee",'darkgray',"card")
const dwarf = new Cards ("Dwarf", "Melee", 'orange',"card")
const hobbit = new Cards ("Hobbit", "Magic", 'BurlyWood', "card")
const duke = new Cards("KingDuke", "Melee", 'pink', "card")
const zoey = new Cards("Zo-Zo", "Magic", 'white', "card")
const hero = [
function startGame(){ //Connected to the start game button
for(let i = 0; i < 4; i++){ // create a deck of 5 cars
if(i === 0){
const heroSelector = hero[Math.floor(Math.random() * hero.length)]
// pick a card at random out of the array called "Hero"
if(heroSelector === 'Wizard'){
let x = wizard
// set wizard to the x variable to call upon in the UnoFunc
wizard.render(150,260,110,150) //renders the card in the players deck }
// this is repeated for all the other cards created. ^
function UnoFunc(x) {
// this is the location of the game board and the size of the card.
turn = 1;
cardOne.addEventListener("click", playFunc())
function playFunc(){
if(turn === 1){
// move the card from the deck and re-render it inside of the game board
cardOne.disabled = true, // deactivates card so that the user cannot re use the same card
turn = 0;
Instead of
const wizard = new Cards("Wizard", "Magic", 'blue',"card")
const knight = new Cards("Knight", "Melee",'darkgray',"card")
const dwarf = new Cards ("Dwarf", "Melee", 'orange',"card")
const hobbit = new Cards ("Hobbit", "Magic", 'BurlyWood', "card")
const duke = new Cards("KingDuke", "Melee", 'pink', "card")
const zoey = new Cards("Zo-Zo", "Magic", 'white', "card")
const hero = [
you could define an object
const heroes = {
'Wizard': new Cards("Wizard", "Magic", 'blue',"card"),
'Zoey': new Cards("Zo-Zo", "Magic", 'white', "card"),
'Duke': new Cards("KingDuke", "Melee", 'pink', "card"),
'Knight': new Cards("Knight", "Melee",'darkgray',"card"),
'Hobbit': new Cards ("Hobbit", "Magic", 'BurlyWood', "card"),
'Dwarf': new Cards ("Dwarf", "Melee", 'orange',"card")
Now all of those variables are available as properties of the heroes object, for example
let myClass = heroes.Wizard; let yourClass = heroes.Knight;
Additionally, if you have the string "Wizard" stored in some variable, you can get the Cards instance of wizard using bracket notation:
let className = 'Wizard'; let myClass = heroes[className];
If you want an array of only the names defined in heroes (maybe you're constructing a drop-down), you can use Object.keys:
let listOfClassNames = Object.keys(heroes);