I made a styled MUI card and wanted to be able to add dark background on it if the prop darkBg is passed but for some reason it doesn't work, Even though I passed darkBg below the card's background is still white. I tried to debug it by logging the prop to the console but it logs undefined.
import { Card, styled } from '@mui/material';
const CustomCard = styled(Card)<DashboardCardProps>(({ theme, darkBg }) => {
return {
paddingLeft: '24px',
paddingRight: '24px',
width: '349px',
margin: '20px',
background: darkBg ? theme.palette.primary.dark : '#fff',
type DashboardCardProps = {
children: JSX.Element | JSX.Element[];
darkBg?: boolean;
const DashboardCard = ({ children, darkBg }: DashboardCardProps) => {
return <CustomCard>{children}</CustomCard>;
export default DashboardCard;
On the DashboardCard below I passed darkBg={true}
import { Box, styled, Typography } from '@mui/material';
import DashboardCard from '../../core-components/DashboardCard/DashboardCard';
import DashboardCardContent from '../../core-components/DashboardCardContent/DashboardCardContent';
import DashboardCardActions from '../../core-components/DashboardCardActions/DashboardCardActions';
import DashboardCardLink from '../../core-components/DashboardCardLink/DashboardCardLink';
const TrustpilotCardContent = styled(Box)(({ theme }) => ({
marginBottom: '24px',
'& #emphasized': {
fontWeight: '700'
const TrustpilotCard = () => {
return (
<DashboardCard darkBg={true}>
Lorem ipsum dolor, sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Magnam perferendis suscipit corrupti? Enim, quaerat perferendis excepturi est ipsam quos dolorem.
<DashboardCardLink href="#" displayArrow>
Lorem ipsum dolor, sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Magnam perferendis suscipit corrupti? Enim, quaerat perferendis excepturi est ipsam quos dolorem.
export default TrustpilotCard;
darkBkg is not being drilled down to <CustomCard>
from <DashboardCard>
, thus always being undefined.
Here is the problematic code:
const DashboardCard = ({ children, darkBg }: DashboardCardProps) => {
return <CustomCard>{children}</CustomCard>;
To fix it, you can:
const DashboardCard = ({ children, darkBg }: DashboardCardProps) => {
return <CustomCard darkBg={darkBg}>{children}</CustomCard>;