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How can i get the gpu model name from inside the brackets?

i want to get just the model name of the gpu by searching for the "$deviceid".

So this is what i have at the moment:

Install-Module PSParseHtml

$deviceid = "0x1f02"
$Url = ''
$AllTables = ConvertFrom-HtmlTable -Url $Url
$AllTables | Where-Object {$_."device id" -match $deviceid}

My output is this:

device id product                        
--------- -------                        
0x1f02    TU106 [GeForce RTX 2070]       
0x1f07    TU106 [GeForce RTX 2070]       
0x1f08    TU106 [GeForce RTX 2060]       
0x1f10    TU106 [GeForce RTX 2070 Mobile]
0x1f11    TU106 [GeForce RTX 2060 Mobile]
0x1f50    TU106 [GeForce RTX 2070 Mobile]
0x1f51    TU106 [GeForce RTX 2060 Mobile]

How can i get now as output only the gpu model name "GeForce RTX 2070" with the matching device id "0x1f02"

Thank you


  • Your question has two distinct aspects:

    • A question that is specific to the PSParseHTML module's ConvertFrom-HtmlTable cmdlet:

      • ConvertFrom-HtmlTable, outputs whole arrays in your case, so that $AllTables is in effect a nested array, whereas you want to filter by the individual elements of those nested arrays.

      • To force these nested arrays to be enumerated, so that Where-Object can act on individual objects, as usual, you can simply pipe to Write-Output:

        # Thanks to Write-Output, outputs *only* the object (table row)
        # with device ID $deviceID. 
        # Note the use of -eq instead of -match
        # (-match is only needed for regex matching).
        $AllTables | 
          Write-Output |  # Enumerate arrays
          Where-Object { $_.'device id' -eq $deviceid }
    • A general question about how to select and transform properties from given input objects - see below.

    In order to select a subset of properties and/or transform the values of the properties of input objects, use Select-Object. In order to transform property values, use it with calculated properties. The result will be [pscustomobject] instances that have the desired properties and values.

    $sampleInput = [pscustomobject] @{
      'device id' = '0x1f02'
      product = 'TU106 [GeForce RTX 2070]'
    # Use a calculated property to select and transform the 'product' value,
    # and select the 'device id' property as-is.
    $sampleInput |
      Select-Object @{
          Expression={ ($_.product -split '[][]')[1] }
        'device id'

    The regex-based -split operator is used to split each product name by [ and ]; the 2nd element (index 1) of the resulting array contains the substring of interest. Alternatively, you could use the regex-based -replace operator: $_.product -replace '^.+\[(.+?)\]$', '$1'


    product          device id
    -------          ---------
    GeForce RTX 2070 0x1f02

    Note: If you don't actually need to construct new objects and are simply looking for the formatted display shown above, you can substitute Format-Table for Select-Object; however, note that such output is then truly only usable for display purposes.