Good day folks, we have a Google Sheet with training attendance. We are meeting on weekly basis and calculate attendance from the past four months, last 36 month and historical total.
Situation: Currently, we calculate the attendance by assigning 2 (double training)/1 (normal training)/0 (canceled training) to the value of the training and attendee (2 on double, 1 on normal, 0 when absent) - and get attendance percentage by comparing the person's points sum to that of the trainings during the given period (4 months, 36 months, total).
Issue: The problem is that every time we add a training (new row in the tab), we need to manually change date range in the 4 month calculation and end date in the 36 months. I would love to automate this process that every time we add a new column, we would not have to change the date range.
Question: is there any way count a number of training points gained in the past 4/18 months by a specific person?
Thank you kindly
=SUM(FILTER(E5:5; E$3:$3>=TODAY()-120; E$3:$3<=TODAY()))/D$4