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EntityManager injected only once if declared into two different EJBs

I am on Weblogic 12c + JPA/Hibernate + EJB 3.

I wish to simplify my class model as follow:

public abstract class AbstractEJBBean {

  @PersistenceContext(unitName = "myPU")
  private EntityManager entityManager;


public interface FirstEJB {
    void someMethod1();

public class FirstEJBImpl extends AbstractEJBBean implements FirstEJB {

    public void someMethod1() {
        // Here entityManager has been injected.


public interface SecondEJB {
    void someMethod2();

public class SecondEJBImpl extends AbstractEJBBean implements SecondEJB {

    public void someMethod2() {
        // Here entityManager has NOT been injected!!!


In such situation, Weblogic starts (no errors logged), the application starts, but: only then entity manager into FirstEJBImpl instance have been injected. The one inside SecondEJBImpl is null!!!

I never seen any like this.

Could somebody tell my why and how to avoid it?

Thank you so much!!!


  • I found the solution on my own.

    I suppose it is a Weblogic bug, but I am not so sure, but my solution works as expected.

    I had to remove the abstract base class and inject the entity manager directly inside each EJB.

    public interface FirstEJB {
        void someMethod1();
    public class FirstEJBImpl implements FirstEJB {
        @PersistenceContext(unitName = "myPU")
        private EntityManager entityManager;
        public void someMethod1() {
            // Here entityManager has been injected.
    public interface SecondEJB {
        void someMethod2();
    public class SecondEJBImpl implements SecondEJB {
        @PersistenceContext(unitName = "myPU")
        private EntityManager entityManager;
        public void someMethod2() {
            // Here entityManager has been injected too! :)