Is there any documentation that describes this "m" and "k". In the k8s documentation, I could see for "Mi", "Gi" etc, but not this. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
After some research i got this : Those are Kubernetes-style quantities, Instead of displaying things as a decimal, it will display with SI suffixes. For instance, 1.5 becomes 1500m. When Kubernetes displays a quantity, it will tend to use milli-units if there would be a decimal point, and plain units otherwise. So, if it had to display 500 on the dot, it would just display 500, but if it's 500.5, it would display 500500m. So m means divide by 1000, k means times 1000. There's no documentation really except this. Search for "Kubernetes-style quantities" if you want to see more examples.
1m/750m = (1/1000)/(750/1000) = 0.001/.75 = .1%/75%
refer this link also