I have this table:

on Cell A4 i want the value "Orange,Banana,Peach,Mango,Melon,Watermelon,Apple".
this is the requirements i have:
- table format (so instead of cells like B2,C2,etc - I need [@Fruit 1], [@Fruit 2], [@Fruit 3], [@Fruit 4], [@Fruit 5], [@Fruit 6], [@Fruit 7], [@Fruit 8])
- I have more than 8 Fruits normally, i have like 40, for the sake of the example i showed only 8.
- no duplicates - if a fruit returns twice show it only once.
- no blanks
any help will be greatly appreciated.

Formula in A2
=TEXTJOIN(", ",,UNIQUE(Table1[@[Fruit 1]:[Fruit 8]],1))
This will autofill the rest of 'Fruits' down to A4