If there's one thing I've learned about Rails 3 is if I'm having a hard time doing something, I'm probably doing it wrong. So I'm looking for help.
I have a few models which are related in a many to many relationship.
I am able to create the associations in the models without a problem. My problem lies in how to build the controllers to work with these relationships. I'll try and give an example if you don't see where I'm going with this.
For instance...
class Account < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :locations
class Contact < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :locations
class Location < ActiveRecord::Base
has_and_belongs_to_many :accounts
has_and_belongs_to_many :contacts
Let's say I have the above models. This would be my resources...
resources :accounts do
resources :locations
resources :contacts do
resources :locations
resources :locations do
resources :accounts
resources :contacts
So just to keep this shortened a bit, let's say I want a list of all locations for an account. The above routes would presumably be account/1/locations. Thus landing me at locations#index.
Hopefully I haven't screwed up my example at this point but what's the best way to build this action out as it really has multiple jobs... at a minimum the locations for an account, contact, and all locations.
So I end up with something like this...
class LocationController < ApplicationController
def index
if params[:account_id]
@locations = Location.find_all_by_account_id(params[:account_id])
elsif params[:contact_id]
@locations = Location.find_all_by_contact_id(params[:account_id])
@locations = Location.all
respond_with @locations
Update #1: To clarify, as I am getting some answers that suggest I change my Model relationships. I am working with a legacy system in which I can NOT change the relationships at this point. It is ultimately my goal to clean up the database and the relationships but for now I can not. So I need to find a solution that works with this configuration.
Your current approach is not DRY, and would give you a headache if say, for example, you wanted to impose additional scopes on the index; e.g. pagination, ordering, or searching by a field.
Consider an alternative: Note how your if/elsif/else conditional essentially is just finding the lookup scope to send find
to? Why not move that responsibility to a method that does just that? Thus simplifying your actions and removing redundant code.
def index
respond_with collection
def show
respond_with resource
# the collection, note you could apply other scopes here easily and in one place,
# like pagination, search, order, and so on.
def collection
@locations ||= association.all
#@locations ||= association.where(:foo => 'bar').paginate(:page => params[:page])
# note that show/edit/update would use the same association to find the resource
# rather than the collection
def resource
@location ||= association.find(params[:id])
# if a parent exists grab it's locations association, else simply Location
def association
parent ? parent.locations : Location
# Find and cache the parent based on the id in params. (This could stand a refactor)
# Note the use of find versue find_by_id. This is to ensure a record_not_found
# exception in the case of a bogus id passed, which you would handle by rescuing
# with 404, or whatever.
def parent
@parent ||= begin
if id = params[:account_id]
elsif id = params[:contact_id]
inherited_resources is a great gem for cleanly handling scenarios like this. Written by Jose Valim (of Rails). I believe it should work with HABTM, but honestly I'm not positive if I've ever tried it.
The above exmaple is essentially how inherited_resources works, but mostly it works its magic behind the scenes, and you only overwrite methods if you need to. If it works with HABTM (I think it should), you could write your current controller something like this:
class LocationController < InheritedResources::Base
belongs_to :contact, :account, :polymorphic => true, :optional => true