I am stepping though some code and looking at a PropertyInfo object and want to know how to get its base.Name
alt text http://www.yart.com.au/stackoverflow/propertyinfo.png
I can see this in the debugger but I am not sure how to do this as there is no "base" property on a PropertyInfo
You can access this property via property.Name.
The fact that the debugger shows base.Name is a bit of a misnomer. In reality the C# EE is evaluating property.Name under the hood. It does not actually evaluate "base.Name".
This is true regardless of whether or not the property / method is virtual. The reason being that the CLR deubgger provides no means by which the EE can invoke a virtual method in a non-virtual method. There are ways to call a method via relfection to achieve this effect but neither C# or VB.Net go this route in their respective EE's.