Updated: I have a nested list and I am trying to change the class of the deepest levels of the nested list into a data frame. I don't want the higher levels in a data frame. I also have what I tried to make as a character vector in the list under sublist 1 and C. I want C to be a character vector but it keeps showing as 'list' when I do a typeof() or class() on it. I don't want C to be converted to a data frame; instead I want to leave it as is.
Here is some example list and my attempts, updated based on the helpful comments below:
a1 <- list( sublist1 = list(A= list(sub1= c(10, 40), sub2 = c(15, 35)), B=list(sub1 = c(100, 400), sub2 = c(150, 350)), C =c("abc","def")),
sublist2 = list(A= list(sub1= c(3, 4), sub2 = c(5, 6)), B=list(sub1 = c(7, 8), sub2 = c(9, 11)))
b_char <- as.character(c('2,3'))
changetypefun <- function(x){
if (is.list(x)) lapply(x, changetypefun)
#else if (!is.list(x)) x #here I try to say if its not a list just return what it is
#else if (names(x) == 'C') # here I try to say if its the C object, return what it is.
#else if (typeof(x) == 'character') x #here and the statements below I try to say if it is a character or not a list, return it
#else if (class(x) == 'character') x
#else if (is.atomic(x)) x
else if (!is.list(x['C'])) x lapply(a1[['C']],paste0('as.',class(b_char)))
else as.data.frame(x)
result <- changetypefun(a1)
Thank you so much for your help.
A simple modification of the answer to your previous question does the trick here. Just change the else x
clause to else as.data.frame(x)
as so:
a1 <- list( sublist1 = list(A= list(sub1= c(10, 40), sub2 = c(15, 35)), B=list(sub1 = c(100, 400), sub2 = c(150, 350)), C =c("abc","def")),
sublist2 = list(A= list(sub1= c(3, 4), sub2 = c(5, 6)), B=list(sub1 = c(7, 8), sub2 = c(9, 11)))
changetypefun <- function(x){
if (is.list(x)) {lapply(x, changetypefun)}
else {
if (is.character(x)) x
else as.data.frame(x)