The font I am using is an arial.tff. Aside from this specific character (U+062C) all the other characters seem to be working fine.
Somehow when it reaches this point it just throws:
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: U+062C ('afii57420') is not available in this font Helvetica (generic: ArialMT) encoding: StandardEncoding with differences
Code below:
PDFont font = PDType0Font.load(pdfDocumentTemplate, this.resourceLoader.getResource("classpath:arial.ttf").getInputStream(), false);
PDAcroForm pdAcroForm = pdAcroFormOptional.get();
String fontName = pdAcroForm.getDefaultResources()
for (GenerateDocumentPlaceholder placeholder : command.getPlaceholderList()) {
PDTextField field = (PDTextField) pdAcroForm.getField(placeholder.getName());
try {
if (field != null) {
field.setDefaultAppearance("/" + fontName + " 0 Tf 0 g");
} catch (Exception ex) {
log.error("Error while updating field {}", placeholder.getValue(), ex);
And here's the font with the character:
Any ideas?
Fixed by replacing the embedded resources within pdf by doing this:
private String getPdfFontName(PDAcroForm pdAcroForm, PDDocument pdfDocumentTemplate, String resource) throws ConstraintViolatedException {
String fontName = "";
try {
PDResources pdResources = new PDResources();
PDFont font = PDType0Font.load(pdfDocumentTemplate, this.resourceLoader.getResource(resource).getInputStream());
pdResources.put(COSName.getPDFName("Helv"), font);
fontName = pdResources.add(font).getName();
} catch (Exception ex) {
log.warn("Error while adding arabic font", ex);
return fontName;
And then using it like this:
String fontName = this.getPdfFontName(pdAcroForm, pdfDocumentTemplate, "classpath:Arial.ttf");
for (GenerateDocumentPlaceholder placeholder : command.getPlaceholderList()) {
PDTextField field = (PDTextField) pdAcroForm.getField(placeholder.getName());
try {
if (field != null) {
field.setDefaultAppearance("/" + fontName + " 0 Tf 0 g");
} catch (Exception ex) {
log.error("Error while updating field {}", placeholder.getValue(), ex);