I am trying to query the stores of a merchant with a condition
stores = Store
|> join(:inner, [s], m in Merchant, on: s.merchant_id == m.id)
|> where([_s, m], fragment("setting->>'test_merchant_enabled'") == "true")
|> Repo.all()
This is the same command but in sql form
SELECT stores.slug
FROM stores
INNER JOIN merchants as m ON stores.merchant_id = m.id
WHERE m.setting->>'test_merchant_enabled' = 'true'
I know the meaning of the error but I can't figure out how to fix it.
** (Postgrex.Error) ERROR 42702 (ambiguous_column) column reference "setting" is ambiguous
I fixed it by using this
stores = Store
|> join(:inner, [s], m in Merchant, on: s.merchant_id == m.id)
|> where([_s, m], fragment("?.setting->>'test_merchant_enabled'", m) == "true")
|> Repo.all()