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How I can create migration for SQL queries in Entity Framework 6?

I am using Entity framework 6 code 1st.

I have couple SQL queried as follows:

delete from [dbo].[User];

 insert into [dbo].[User] (id, permission_id)
 values (1, (select [id] from [permission] where [name] = 'write')),

I need to Add Migration for these Scripts, How I can create migration for SQL queries?


  • install the ef core tools (reference)

    dotnet tool install --global dotnet-ef

    issue a command from the cli to create a migration (reference)

    dotnet ef migrations add InitialCreate

    You will also need to have a reference to Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Design in the startup project.

    In a lot of my work I have a web assembly (api) and a separate model/repository assembly, so a typical migration command for me looks like

    dotnet ef migrations add MigraitonName -s StartupProject -p RepositoryProejct -c DbContext

    Once you have a migration you can run the following command to update your database

    dotnet ef database update