For Intellij (and Android Studio) I built a JNI shared library that links to boost libraries that I'd link to include in my Android app. I called System.loadLibrary on my .so file but it fails to find boost libraries when I run it. I get the following error:
java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: dlopen failed: library "" not found: needed by /data/app/~~28p8gv9ihFbZAejYd9c9yw==/sensoft.applications.dt1demo-0IEJ8o6cHOk0kputNbnbNQ==/base.apk!/lib/x86/ in namespace classloader-namespace
Even though the boost .so files are there in the libs/x86 directory (I built them in x86 with the android toolchain to run on my emulator) but it did manage to find the .so file that I built in the same directory.
I placed my .so file and all the required boost .so files in the libs/x86 directory and included the following as a jni source in my build.gradle file:
sourceSets {
main.jniLibs.srcDirs = ['libs']
But my application can't seem to find the boost shared libraries specifically.
Android's install process will not extract libraries that don't have the suffix .so
. You have to remove the version suffix of the library (which serves no purpose on Android anyway, because libraries are not all installed to a single common path).