Test - "User can start screenshare"
Problem: Electron library can not detect available screen for capturing and sreensharing, because there is no RDP connection opened in test session.
In test logs no sources (screen) found:
2022-08-01 07:40:20:409 -00:00 | info | main-api-handler: - open-screen-picker-window - Properties: {
"cmd": "open-screen-picker-window",
"id": 1,
"sources": []
The problem was solved by my colleague:
"So the root cause of this issue is that the SSH server which Jenkins uses to configure the node runs as a service, and that means it has problems interacting with desktop apps. Unfortunately, Windows' own SSH server only runs as a service. More explanations here: Starting GUI programs via OpenSSH on Windows?
To resolve this, I installed a separate SSH server (OpenSSH from MSYS2). The machine image is configured to autologin on boot, and sshd is started on logon as the currently logged in user. This gives it access to the desktop, and screenshare tests now seem to work better"