I need to make my current draggable component's dropdown to not render on specific cell (specifically the first Row). However, it will still show the cell just without the dropdown. I tried to search for a way however could not find any. Appreciate any help / directions given. Thanks! I also also attached the screenshot of current and expected. (Just take note of the dropdown being empty)
*Current Interface - all dropdown rendered
*Expected New Interface - first dropdown not rendered
Main code with ant design component Row/Col and Select/Option for the dropdown:
render() {
return (
scroll={{ x: 300 }}
defaultPageSize: 10,
showSizeChanger: true,
pageSizeOptions: ['10', '25', '50'],
title='Approval Sequence'
onOk={() => {
updateFlowType(this.state.currentItem.id, {
name: this.state.currentItem.name,
sites: this.state.initTags.map((x) => ({
idSite: x.id,
returnToStep: x.returnToStep,
.then((r) => {
message: 'Success',
description: 'Save data success',
this.setState({ isVisible: false });
.catch(() => {
message: 'Failed',
description: 'Failed to save',
onCancel={() => {
this.setState({ isVisible: false });
<Row gutter={[2, 2]}>
<Col style={{ textAlign: 'center' }} span={8}>
<Text strong>Role</Text>
<Col style={{ textAlign: 'center' }} span={8}>
<Text strong> Return to Department: </Text>
<div className='list-area'>
<div className='drag-list'>
onChange={(initTags) => this.setState({ initTags })}
render={({ tag }) => (
<Col span={8}>
<Button style={{ width: '100%' }}>{tag.name}</Button>
<Col span={16}>
onChange={(e) => {
//create clone
let clone = [...this.state.initTags];
let item = clone.find((x) => x.id === tag.id);
let itemReject = clone.find((x) => x.name === e);
console.log('itemReject', itemReject);
//create returnToStep in item
item.returnToStep = itemReject.id;
initTags: clone,
//placeholder = 'Select return step'
style={{ width: '100%' }}
{this.getReject(tag.name).map((newTag) => (
//getReject function will slice to get only items before the current iteration object (e.g. if current is index 3, only get index 0~2)
<Option key={newTag.name} value={newTag.name}>
You can do "conditional render" using a condition and a component like this:
const someBoolean = true;
retrun (
{ someBoolean && <SomeComponent /> }
if someBoolean
is true, then <SomeComponent/>
will show.
if someBoolean
is false, then <SomeComponent/>
will not show.
So, just use that to conditionally render your dropdown column or any other component.
If, the table rows are based upon content and dynamically rendered, then I would modify the content accordingly. (i.e. don't provide the rows you don't want to render).