I am trying to place a button above a drawer, like in Windows Calculator:
but it doesn't work.
Any solutions for this?
UPD: I've updated this post and added an example gif that shows what I'm trying to achieve.
ToolButton {
id: drawerButton
width: 32
height: 32
// trying to place above this object
z: 100
anchors {
left: drawerPopUp.left
leftMargin: 5
top: drawerPopUp.top
topMargin: 5
Drawer {
id: drawerPopUp
// trying to place below this object
z: -1
width: root.width * 0.35
height: root.height
edge: Qt.LeftEdge
interactive: true
From the Qt documentation you can read that the Drawer automatically reparents itself to Overlay
, which is above all the other elements. Therefore you would need to add a button to the overlay itself as well.
import QtQuick.Controls 2.4
ApplicationWindow {
ToolButton {
parent: Overlay.overlay
This might get awkward if you are doing more complex stuff, so you might have to copy the button, one in the normal way and one on the overlay