I have been suffering for two weeks, please help me:
And I use the built-in CEF example - "cefsimple" - it works fine: https://bitbucket.org/chromiumembedded/cef/src/master/tests/cefsimple/?at=master
The "cefsimple" example creates a browser window and opens the specified URL in it.
But as soon as I add another browser window creation feature:
CefBrowserHost::CreateBrowser(window_info, my_browser_handler_, "google.com", browser_settings, nullptr, nullptr);
That's where the problems happen. The second browser window is being created, BUT a problem occurs - the two created windows seem to blink constantly, as if switching between each other very quickly.
I tried the advice - install:
window_info.ex_style = WS_EX_NOACTIVATE;
But it doesn't help at all.
Maybe someone has created more than one window browser in CEF ? What am I doing wrong ?
I've encounter this problem recently, and this may help you.
In your native window proc, process WM_SETFOCUS with:
if (!::GetFocus())
// set cef focus;
Without call ::GetFocus(), two cef windows will blink constantly.