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rust emulating variadic serialisation of PODs

In C++ I have the following template:

template<typename UBO>
std::pair<uint, std::vector<std::byte>> SerializeUniform(UBO& ubo, uint binding)
    // Create raw binary buffers of the uniform data
    std::vector<std::byte> ubo_buffer(sizeof(UBO));
    memcpy(, (void*)&ubo, sizeof(UBO));
    return {binding, ubo_buffer};

inline void SerializeArguments(NECore::UniformBufferDataContainer& data) {}

template<typename T1, typename... Ts>
inline void SerializeArguments(
    NECore::UniformBufferDataContainer& data, T1& uniform, uint binding, Ts&... args)
    data.push_back(SerializeUniform(uniform, binding));
    SerializeArguments(data, args...);

template<class... Ubos>
void ModuleStorage::Draw(const NECore::RenderRequest& render_request, const Ubos&... args)
    size_t arg_num = _details::ArgNum(args...);
    NECore::UniformBufferDataContainer ubos;
    _details::SerializeArguments(ubos, args...);

        DrawToScreen(vk_meta_data.vulkan_data, render_request, ubos);
       DrawOffScreen(vk_meta_data.vulkan_data, render_request, ubos);

A bit hard to read so let me walk you through them.

The first template takes a POD and copies it's data into a vector of bytes and then creates a tuple to associate the data with an integer.

The next template is the base case of a recursive template, no parameters, do nothing.

Next we have a recursive template, take the first two parameters, assumed to be a POD and an integer, And serialize the POD. Recurse on the tail.

I.e. this template allows me to serialize an arbitrary number of PODs.

Finally I have a variadic template that allows me to serialize any number of PODs.

You might be wondering why go through all this trouble. It;s so that I can write things like this:

        mvp, 0,
        gltf_info, 1);

This way the render command accepts any arbitrary number of uniform parameters which means I can use the same pattern and syntax to call any arbitrary shader my heart desires with any inputs I want (as long as they are byte compatible with the shader declaration)

I am porting this library to rust and I want to achieve a similar thing with macros. i.e. I want to be abble to define things such that I can call

draw(render_request, macro!(ubo1, 0, ubo2, 1))

Or better yet (but I am almost certain this cannot be done in rust)

draw(render_request, ubo1, 0, ubo2, 1)

I am having a very hard time trying to come up with the macro. The primary issue is, macros are not functions and rust doesn't support variadic arguments. I am not entirely sure how to define the macro to achieve what I want.


  • I managed to get it to work by hacking the vec! macro from the standard library

    macro_rules! UBO {
        () => {Vec::<UniformBufferData>::new()};
        ($($ubo:expr, $binding : expr),* $(,)?) =>
            [$(serialize_uniform(&$ubo, $binding)),+].to_vec()

    This lets you call the macro UBO!(dummy2, 0, dummy, 1, dummy3, 3)

    Which expands into

        serialize_uniform(&dummy2, 0),
        serialize_uniform(&dummy, 1),
        serialize_uniform(&dummy3, 3),

    So now you can do:

    draw(render_request, UBO!(var1, 0, var2, 2, var3, 7));

    And it should work (UB and other shennanigans aside).