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Apache Camel schedule configuration not triggering

I am able to trigger my job using delay but I am not able to trigger using schedule parameter.

Here's my attempt (not triggering - I also tried to replace empty spaces for "+" and also tried to use schedule instead of scheduler.cron):

fromF("master:.../...:scheduler:MyJob?scheduler.cron=0/1 * * * *")
    .toF("direct:%s", JOB_NAME)

If I stop using scheduler.cron and start using the following uri, it works:


My version:

api group: 'org.apache.camel.springboot', name: 'camel-spring-boot', version: camelVersion
camelVersion = 3.9.0

Any ideas? Thank you!


  • For some reason it's not triggering when using the 5 parts cron but I am able to trigger using 6 or 7 parts cron.

    Triggering everyday at 8 AM for example: 0 0 8 * * ?
