So as you can see I have a greeting function and similar to that the getsMarried function. However, getsMarried is shown as a prototype (colored green in VSCode, opposed to yellow). Is this because I use this.lastName? Because the tutorial I am learning from is also doing the same without it shown as a prototype.
const personPrototypes = {
greeting: function(){
`$Hello there ${this.firstName} ${this.lastName}`
getsMarried: function(newLastName){
this.lastName = newLastName
const mary = Object.create(personPrototypes)
mary.firstName = 'Mary'
mary.lastName = 'Williams'
mary.age = 30
does not show result as there is nothing to show. So we can return
your greeting from the function to be shown in console.log
The return statement ends function execution and specifies a value to be returned to the function caller.
An example:
const personPrototypes = {
greeting: function(){
return `$Hello there ${this.firstName} ${this.lastName}`
getsMarried: function(newLastName){
this.lastName = newLastName
const mary = Object.create(personPrototypes)
mary.firstName = 'Mary'
mary.lastName = 'Williams'
mary.age = 30