From the examples I have seen the below code snippet and it works fine. But the problem is that : I don't always have requirements of processing the input-stream and produce it to a sink.
What if I have an application where based on some events I have to only publish to a kafka topic so that down-stream applications can make certain decisions. That means, I don't really have an input-stream but I just know when something happens in my application, I need to publish a message to a particular topic of kafka. That is, I only need a sink.
I was going through examples but didn't find anything matching to my requirements. Is there a way to only configure a KafkaSink that exposes a method() to be called for publishing messages to a topic.
Many thanks in advance!!
String inputTopic = "flink_input";
String outputTopic = "flink_output";
String consumerGroup = "baeldung";
String address = "localhost:9092";
StreamExecutionEnvironment environment = StreamExecutionEnvironment
FlinkKafkaConsumer011<String> flinkKafkaConsumer = createStringConsumerForTopic(
inputTopic, address, consumerGroup);
DataStream<String> stringInputStream = environment
FlinkKafkaProducer011<String> flinkKafkaProducer = createStringProducer(
outputTopic, address);
.map(new WordsCapitalizer())
You must have a source. You might want to implement a custom source, or you could use something like a NumberSequenceSource
followed by an operator like a process function that emits whatever you know you want to write to the sink, followed by the sink.
That process function could, for example, transform the incoming events into whatever you want to write to Kafka, or it could ignore its inputs and use a timer to generate the events to be sent to Kafka.
Or you might find that async i/o is a better building block than a process function, depending on your requirements.