Given the following page
<div id="something">
<div id="selected">
In playwright I have two selectors like this..
selectorA = "#something >> div >> nth=1";
selectorB = "#selected";
These two selectors point to the same element on the page. How can I compare the two selectors / locators to figure out if they are pointing to the same element or not?
I found out how to do it.
async function compareLocators(firstLocator: Locator, secondLocator: Locator): Promise<boolean> {
const firstHandle = await firstLocator.elementHandle();
const secondHandle = await secondLocator.elementHandle();
compare => compare.left.isEqualNode(compare.right),
{ left: firstHandle, right: secondHandle }
Now you can feed this function two locators and it returns true/false if they point to the same locator.