My smart contract has to check balance of OpenSea OpenStore contract, so I need to be able to fork polygon mainnet. I want each test to start fresh with the same fork, so I'm invoking hardhat_reset
in beforeEach
. But I'm getting this incomprehensible error:
"before each" hook for "<very first 'it' under first 'describe'>":
InvalidArgumentsError: Errors encountered in param 0: Invalid value undefined supplied to : HardhatNetworkConfig | undefined/forking: RpcForkConfig | undefined | undefined/jsonRpcUrl: string
My code looks like this (it's abridged, with ellipses filling in for standard boilerplate)
import ....
import * as helpers from "@nomicfoundation/hardhat-network-helpers"
async function deployContract(addr=myAddr) {
await ethers.provider.send("hardhat_impersonateAccount", [addr])
helpers.setBalance(addr, "0x100000000000000000000")
const signer = await ethers.getSigner(addr)
const cf = await ethers.getContractFactory("MyContractName", signer)
contract = await cf.deploy()
beforeEach(async () => {
await network.provider.request({
method: "hardhat_reset",
params: [{
forking: {
url: "" + apiKey,
blockNumber: 31911877
const wallets = waffle.provider.getWallets()
wallet = wallets[0]
await deployContract()
Note that I don't get this issue if I move the forking
param data to my hardhat.config.ts
- in that case, the test executes fine except that because nothing is reset between tests, the actions done in the first test mess up the ones in later tests.
Under the forking
params, replace url
with jsonRpcUrl
I realized this after seeing