I'm facing a problem where my "AntTag" component is empty when .find() resolves to undefined if the "ids" array is of "Null" value as there isnt a "Null" value to find in "departments". I need a way to allow me to display "None" if it is undefined. I have tried to do a if-statement to change the name[i] = "None" if it is null, however, it did not work. I have also tried to return name ? {name} : "None" inside however it did not work as well. Can anyone please help me?
if (_.isArray(ids)) {
return ids.map((id) => {
let name = this.state.departments.find((x) => x.id === id)?.name;
return (
<AntTag className=' cursor-pointer' color='magenta'>
return '';
This should work by changing the line to use or
const name = this.state.departments.find((x) => x.id === id)?.name || "None";