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Getting a named breakpoint from the browser width and breakpoint object (JavaScript)

I am importing my breakpoint module CSS into JavaScript and am getting an object like this:

const breakpoints = {
  large: "992px",
  medium: "768px",
  small: "500px",
  tiny: "320px",
  xlarge: "1384px"

From window.innerWidth I am able to get an integer value of the current browser window width. I would like to use a function that tells the named breakpoint from the window width. For example, a value of 640 would return medium.

The logic is hurting my brain. How can I do it?


  • You need to sort your set of values by the integer values and then filter those for values too small and take the first that is big enough.

          .sort((a,b) => parseInt(breakpoints[a], 10) - parseInt(breakpoints[b], 10))
          .filter((s) => { return parseInt(breakpoints[s], 10) > 640 })[0]