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Leaftlet Circlemarker Color

Hi I was wondering how I would go about changing react leaflet circle marker colors based on unique IDs.

right now my circle markers look like this:

            center={[value?.Latitude, value?.Longitude]}

and I have an ID value being passed with my Lats and Longs.

value: {
                Latitude: number
                Longitude: number
                ID: string

Don't know if it's helpful, but In R there was a pal feature where I could do something like

pal <- colorFactor(rainbow(4), domain = unique(tmp$ID), levels = unique(tmp$ID))

and then pass it as an option

clusterOptions=markerClusterOptions(), color = pal(tmp$ID))

I'm not sure how to do this in React.

Thank you in advance!


Data is based on a query but this is basically it's format:

const data = [
      Latitude: 0,
      Longitude: 0,
      ID: '206520',
        Latitude: 10,
        Longitude: 10,
        ID: '206520',
        Latitude: 1,
        Longitude: 1,
        ID: '200000',
      },    {
        Latitude: 1,
        Longitude: 1,
        ID: '300400500',

If the ID is the same, they should return the same color. So for example mappings with 206520 should both be the same color.


  • I ended up solving it with the help of kbouls comments and answer.

    First you create an array of unique/ distinct numbers based on the ID field. For me it's a distinct query, but it could just be a function where you push all elements to a list and remove duplicates. Either way let's call it UniqueList.

    Next you create a list of the colors you would like.

    //can be the word 'red' or the code '#ef4444'
        const colors = [

    Now that there are two lists, you can tie them together

      const ColorMatched = {}
      uniqueList.forEach((element, index) => {
        ColorMatched[element] = colors[index]

    You should an output like {206520 : '#ef4444' } //ect

    Now kbouls code can be implemented with

    const getColor = (ID) => {
      return colorIds[ID];


        center={[value?.Latitude, value?.Longitude]}

    As value.ID calls back the corresponding color. E.g Color = {'#ef4444'}