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Spring Data JPA load lazy associations using native query

I am querying an entity by using a Postgres specific JSON operator (like @>). To achieve that, the query needs to be decorated with @Query(nativeQuery = true). My plan is to fetch the abovementioned entity along with some of its lazy associations. If I were using JPQL I'd simply JOIN FETCH the entity associations, but in this case I can't.

Please share some suggestions.. thanks


  • With plain Spring Data, you are out of luck because it is simply so limited. You have to use Hibernate APIs to achieve what you want with a native query. There you can specify for a query that you want to materialize some columns for the association of an entity e.g.

    List<Entity1> list = session.createNativeQuery("select {t1.*}, {t2.*} from tbl1 t1 join tbl2 t2 ...", Entity1.class)
        .addEntity("t1", Entity1.class)
        .addJoin("t2", "t1", "associationName")

    Alternatively, you can introduce a custom SQLFunction to model this PostgreSQL operator and still continue to use JPQL/HQL. See a similar answer for supporting array functions in PostgreSQL: HQL - Check if an Array contains a value