I'm now working on RestAPI calls from Unity Editor to Firebase Cloud Messaging and Firebase Realtime Database. Here the code what I'm using to create a token with multiply scores.
private static readonly string[] _scores = new[]
public string CreateToken(DateTimeOffset now, string[] scores)
var nowSeconds = now.ToUnixTimeSeconds();
var inOneHour = GetExpirationTime(now);
var scope = string.Join(",", scores);
var payload = new Dictionary<string, object>
{ "iss", _serviceAccountData.ClientEmail },
{ "scope", scope },
{ "aud", _serviceAccountData.TokenUri },
{ "iat", nowSeconds },
{ "exp", inOneHour }
return SignToken(payload);
But this not working, calls to https://fcm.googleapis.com/v1/projects/{0}/messages:send
returns 401 Unauthorized. If I'm passing only https://www.googleapis.com/auth/firebase.messaging
as scope everything working. But I still need to call firebase realtime database. Is that possible to use same Bearer Token to call both APIs or I need to have 2 different tokens for such a behavior?
I have "firebase_admin_sdk.json" in project and Jose.JWT to sign request.
Fixed with removing comma from scopes and splitting tokens for messaging and realtime database.