Having the following Java code
Object[] params = new Object[] {new Object(), null}
int ret = lib.getClass().getMethod("syscall", int.class, Object[].class).invoke(
lib, 116, params
where 116
is the code (on MacOS) for gettimofday
system function,
how should I specify params correctly so that I can extract timeval
struct containing the result (as specified by https://developer.apple.com/library/archive/documentation/System/Conceptual/ManPages_iPhoneOS/man2/gettimeofday.2.html)
The function expects specific struct as a first parameter which it will populate:
@Structure.FieldOrder({"sec", "usec"})
public static class Timeval extends Structure {
* Seconds.
public long sec;
* Microseconds.
public long usec;
Supplying parameters as follows succeed the call:
final Timeval timeval = new Timeval();
final Object[] params = new Object[]{timeval, null};
lib.syscall(116, params)
Result can be retrieved from timeval.sec
and timeval.usec
Thanks to @Mark Rotteveel for the hints.