I want to show a success message popup using react toastify after closing a modal but it is not working. Maybe because i am using animation to give a slight delay when closing modal. Can i do something like use timeout and then run setIModalOpen(false) so the popup message can be shown before modal is closed.
Modal Component
const onFormSubmitHandler=(e)=>{
//callback from parent component
updateUnavailableTimeSlotsInDb(inputRef.current.value, date,`${date} ${selectedTimeSlot}:00`);
toast.success(`Booked for ${reasonStr} on ${selectedDate} at time ${selectedTimeSlot}:00`, {
position: "top-center",
autoClose: 2000,
hideProgressBar: true,
closeOnClick: true,
pauseOnHover: true,
draggable: true,
progress: undefined,
Parent (tried calling toast.success in the callback in the parent component but that is also not working)
const updateUnavailableTimeSlotsInDb=(reasonStr,selectedDate,selectedTimeSlot)=>{
//popup with confirmation message
/*toast.success(`Booked for ${reasonStr} on ${selectedDate} at time ${selectedTimeSlot}:00`, {
position: "top-center",
autoClose: 2000,
hideProgressBar: true,
closeOnClick: true,
pauseOnHover: true,
draggable: true,
progress: undefined,
//add selectedTimeSlot to database. timeSlot will no longer be
Edit:i was not using ToastContainer just figured it out
i was not using ToastContainer just figured it out