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Querying Multiple Tables in the Power Apps Component Framework

I am currently working on a component for Dynamics 365 Sales using the Power App Component Framework. I am at the stage where I have my design completed, but now need a way to display the data. I have two tables as follows (one-to-many relationship):

Lead (Default Entity)

Visit (Custom Entity)

  • Lookup called "new_new_parent_leadid" (relationship)
  • DateCreated
  • Duration
  • Value

What Id like to do is query data from Visits table from a component on the Lead form. This component would display the following:

  • Count: Count of all related visits
  • Latest Visit: DateCreated of the latest related record
  • Total Duration: Sum of all Durations of related visits
  • Value: Average of value of related visits

How might I retrieve this data?


  • to retrieve data you should be using Xrm.WebApi functions.

    There is an managed Solution/Tool called Dataverse REST Builder

    Take a look at this tool and you will get all the answers to your questions.

    Example--> Count: Count of all related visits (I changed it to get all contacts for a Parent Account)

    You will get an array of records (Tool will display you result as well)

    // NOTE: retrieveMultipleRecords is available in offline mode, if you need this functionality change the call to Xrm.WebApi.offline.retrieveMultipleRecords
    //"contact", "?$select=contactid,_parentcustomerid_value,fullname&$filter=_parentcustomerid_value eq 7b649f5c-c986-e411-a2ea-00505693000c").then(
        function success(results) {
            for (var i = 0; i < results.entities.length; i++) {
                var result = results.entities[i];
                // Columns
                var contactid = result["contactid"]; // Guid
                var parentcustomerid = result["_parentcustomerid_value"]; // Customer
                var parentcustomerid_formatted = result["_parentcustomerid_value@OData.Community.Display.V1.FormattedValue"];
                var parentcustomerid_lookuplogicalname = result["_parentcustomerid_value@Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM.lookuplogicalname"];
                var fullname = result["fullname"]; // Text
        function(error) {