I have a java jar I have decompiled with permission of the original developer that we are to use until they can get us a copy of the source code. I have run into a member of a class that looks like the following:
Classname.access$002(Param1, Param2);
Classname is correct, but the access$002 does not look right (there are a few others like this except with the names access$204 and with other numbers appended to the end), and I am wondering if this means anything in Java or if it is because the decompile operation was incomplete.
I am using JD-GUI to decompile the classes.
It is also worth mentioning that there are no methods with the same signature as the access$002 method does, at least in the class Classname.
The access$XXX
methods are calls from inner non-static classes to members of the nesting class.
public class DummyDummy {
private int x = 0;
private Inner i = new Inner();
private int foo(int a, int b) {
return a+b+x;
private class Inner {
void doIt() {
// Here, DummyDummy.access$0(DummyDummy, int, int) is called
// which calls DummyDummy.foo(int, int)
foo(1,2) );
public static void main(String[] args) {
new DummyDummy().i.doIt();