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How to get Jackson JsonProperty of enum values in Kotlin?

I'm building a schema generator and I'm trying to get the JsonProperty of enum values, for example, for this class:

enum class Size {
    @JsonProperty("really-tall") TALL,
    @JsonProperty("really-grande") GRANDE;

I'd like to get the list "really-tall", "really-grande".

How do I access the annotation of an enum? Thanks!


Solution based on this reply for a generic KType:

return ( as Class<Enum<*>>)
  .map {
    it.javaClass.getField( // Get the JsonProperty string first if exists


  • Update: Additional question from OP

    How do I make the first approach work for a generic KType

    inline fun <reified T : Enum<T>> getJsonPropertyAnnotations() = enumValues<T>().map {
    class SomeTest : StringSpec({
        "getJsonPropertyAnnotations" {
                shouldBe listOf("really-tall", "really-grande")

    Please note that with Kotlin 1.7, IntelliJ may show a deprecation warning with wrong replacement for declaringClass in getJsonPropertyAnnotations. I guess this will be sorted out in later versions. Link to related source

    The following code should do what you want.

    class SomeTest : StringSpec({
        "getting annotation values" {
            val result = enumValues<Size>().map {
            result shouldBe listOf("really-tall", "really-grande")

    An alternative (less code): Add a String property to your enum class (I called it someFieldName in the below code), annotate with @get:JsonValue, and construct each enum entry with the string value you want. @get:JsonValue will use someFieldName instead of the enum value during serialization.

    enum class Size(@get:JsonValue val someFieldName: String) {

    Same test again

    class SomeTest : StringSpec({
        "getting prop values" {
            val result = enumValues<Size>().map {
            result shouldBe listOf("really-tall", "really-grande")

    We're using the latter approach in an ongoing project.