I am trying to upload files to S3 using an api that accepts multipart/form-data, without using multer the body is empty but after using it all is fine.
However, multer stores a copy of every file locally and this is not something I really want.
I do not really want to use multer-s3-v3 either, since I'm trying to send back the progress of the file using socket.io, which won't work if I use it.
Any idea on how to prevent multer from saving copies? or any other method I should use?
Here's my code:
The route
const multer = require('multer')
const upload = multer({ dest: 'images/' });
router.post('/image-upload', upload.single('image'), authController.imageUpload);
The api
exports.imageUpload = async (req, res) => {
const imagePath = req.file.path;
const blob = fs.readFileSync(imagePath);
const uploadedImage = await s3
Bucket: process.env.AWS_BUCKET,
Key: `images/${req.file.originalname}`,
Body: blob,
}).on('httpUploadProgress', function(progress) {
let progressPercentage = Math.round(progress.loaded / progress.total * 100);
if (uploadedImage) {
return res.status(200).send({
message: "Image uploaded successfully",
image: uploadedImage.Location.substring(36),
as you said "I do not really want to use multer-s3-v3 either, since I'm trying to send back the progress of the file using socket.io" then use cloudinary to store files easily and its kinda free do check this link https://cloudinary.com/blog/node_js_file_upload_to_a_local_server_or_to_the_cloud