What is the updated recommended way to use dependency injection with SQL Kata in a.NET 6 web project?
The current SQL Kata documentation for this has not been updated for .Net 6. The older syntax in startup.cs is shown here: https://sqlkata.com/docs/execution/setup#aspnet-core-di-container
services.Add<QueryFactory>(() => {
// In real life you may read the configuration dynamically
var connection = new MySqlConnection(
var compiler = new MySqlCompiler();
return new QueryFactory(connection, compiler);
In Program.cs
builder.Services.AddTransient<QueryFactory>((e) =>
var connection = new MySqlConnection("Host=localhost;Port=3306;User=user;Password=secret;Database=Users;SslMode=None");
var compiler = new MySqlServerCompiler();
return new QueryFactory(connection, compiler);