I am interested if I can return more then one value from a function. For example consider such a function: extended euclidean algorithm. The basic step is described by this
Input is nonnegative integers a and b;
output is a triplet (d,i,j) such that d=gcd(a,b)=i*a+j*b
Just to clarify my question's goal I will write a short recursive code:
if (b==0) return (a,1,0)
q=a mod b;
let r be such that a=r*b+q;
return (d,l,k-l*r);
How does one return a triplet?
Just create an appropriate data structure holding the three values and return that.
struct extmod_t {
int d;
int i;
int j
extmod_t(int d, int i, int j) : d(d), i(i), j(j) { }
extmod_t result = extendedeuclidean(b, q);
return extmod_t(result.d, l, k - l * r);