I try to create reusable table component with Ant Design Vue and use it throught the project. Sometimes I need show custom columns with icons an so on, so I want send them in this case like a slots.
I have my table component ATable
:row-key="(record:any) => record.name"
:scroll="{ x: 1100 }">
<template v-slot:bodyCell="{ column, record }">
<template v-for="(_, name) in $slots" :key="name">
<slot v-bind="{ column, record }" :name="name"></slot>
And component where I insert this table
@set-query="setQuery" >
<template v-if="column.key === 'test'">
{{ record.environment.name }}
My question is how I should paste my special rows in ATable if I don`t have access to column and record here (cause it is inside ATable bodyCell) ?
@set-query="setQuery" >
<template #test="{ column, record }">
<div v-if="column.key === 'environment'" class="text-caption">
{{ record.test.name }}