I have some pictures in the /drawable folder, which to my understanding is intepreted as /drawable-mdpi. Now these images are scaled when being used (depending on the device). I don't want to add more pictures, because they don't exist. And I don't have the resources to create different res pictures.
I just want the pictures to appear smaller on bigger devices. Is there a way of not scaling the images?
I'd hate to have to hard-code all the picture sizes.
This is the second question, as edits aren't attracting attention at all. Sorry about that.
Adding the BitmapFactory.Options parameter to the decodeResource with the flag inScaled set to false is how to do it
BitmapFactory.Options mNoScale = new BitmapFactory.Options();
mNoScale.inScaled = false;
BitmapFactory.decodeResource(getResources(), R.drawable.id, mNoScale);