I have a table of data that contains information pertaining to the different features displayed on the map. When I click on a row in that table, I'd like to zoom to the extent of the line-string geometry. I'm having a hard time figuring out the way to achieve this.
<ol-map style="height:95%">
<ol-source-osm />
<ol-source-vector ref="source">
<ol-feature v-for="k in applicationState.get_track_keys" :key="k" :properties="{'id':k}" >
<template v-if="isPoint(k)">
<ol-geom-point v-if="isPoint(k)" :coordinates="getPointPosition(k)"></ol-geom-point>
<ol-style-circle :radius="radius">
<ol-style-fill :color="getColor(k)"></ol-style-fill>
<ol-style-stroke :color="strokeColor" :width="strokeWidth"></ol-style-stroke>
<template v-else>
<ol-geom-line-string :coordinates="getLinePositions(k)"></ol-geom-line-string>
<ol-style-stroke :color="getColor(k)" :width="strokeWidth"></ol-style-stroke>
and here is my code:
import {useApplicationState} from "@/stores/applicationState";
import { onMounted, ref, inject } from "vue";
const view = ref();
const source = ref(null);
const center = ref([-160, -160])
const projection = ref('EPSG:4326')
const zoom = ref(2)
const rotation = ref(0)
const currentZoom = ref(zoom.value);
const radius = ref(5)
const strokeWidth = ref(2)
const strokeColor = ref('white')
const fillColor = ref('white')
const extent = inject('ol-extent');
const Feature = inject('ol-feature')
const Geom = inject('ol-geom')
const applicationState = useApplicationState()
applicationState.$subscribe((mutation, state) => {
const flyToFeature = (feature) => {
const getPointPosition = (key) => {
let p = applicationState.positions.get(key)[0]
return [p['long'], p['lat'], 0.0]
const isPoint = (key) => {
if (applicationState.positions.get(key).length == 1) {
return true;
const getLinePositions = (key) => {
let ret_val = []
for (const p of applicationState.positions.get(key)) {
ret_val.push([p['long'], p['lat'], 0.0])
return ret_val
const getColor = (key) => {
let summary = applicationState.summaries.get(key)
if(summary == null) {
return 'yellow'
let force_type = summary['force_type']
if(force_type === 'BLUE') {
return 'blue'
} else {
return 'red'
onMounted(() => {
I can successfully get all the features and see the ID in each one but I'm looking for a way to get one feature based on it's ID and then zoom to it on the map. Any help would be appreciated!! Thanks!
I was able to figure it out. For anyone with the same question, here is how you can get a single feature based on the properties id and zoom to it.
const flyToFeature = (feature) => {
if (feature) {
let foundFeature = source.value.source.getFeatures().find(function (f) {
return f.get('id') === feature.track_id
if (foundFeature) {
const extent = feature.getGeometry().getExtent()