How to pass variable to JSON object and print it like JSON object?
I simply want to pass variable value in JSON and print it like JSON which can also be used in console.table(obj)
With Stringify:
var name = "someName";
const json = JSON.stringify('{"result":'+name+', "count":42}');
const obj = JSON.parse(json);
Without stringify
var name = "someName";
const json = '{"result":'+name+', "count":42}';
const obj = JSON.parse(json);
Using \"variableName\"
it gets value in \"...\"
and not the variable value
var name = "someName";
const json = '{"result":\"name\", "count":42}';
const obj = JSON.parse(json);
var debugJSON = [];
var section_number = 1;
var i = 25;
var x = section_number-i;
tempJSON = {
"section" : section_number,
"index" : i,
"fieldname" : x,
"isValid" : "not required"
//console.table(debugJSON); //Problematic on Chrome Browser and Stack Overflow
A JSON is quite literally a JavaScript object, so you don't treat it as a string, you work with objects, which you can later stringify if need be.
In your case, you don't want to pass a variable in a string, you should pass it in an object like so:
// Declaration of name
let name = 'someName';
// Create object and store name
const json = {
result: name,
count: 42
// Log object as JSON and as string
The first log returns your object as exactly that, an object, the second log, converts it into a string to do so as you please with it!