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CFchart shut down accidently my laptop

In these days, I've got the problem about CFChart in my laptop. Because whenever I run (open) CFChart in my latop, which accidently shut down and come out Blue Screen like memory leaking.

PS: Oracle 10g and CF8 are the same installed in this latop as well.


  • Now, I've found why my laptop is shut down once I run my coding. It's because of the following coding and I've saved as "style.cfm" and include it in my chart file.

    <cfsavecontent variable="theme">
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <pieChart depth="Double" style="Solid" type="SmallNut" angle="0">
        <dataLabels style="Pattern" placement="outside" autoControl="false" font="Arial-10">
        <legend spacing="0" placement="Right" halign="Right">
            <decoration style="None"/>
        <elements drawOutline="false">
            <morph morph="Grow"/>      
            <heatmap isEnabled="false" minLevel="0.0" maxLevel="0.0"/>
        <popup background="white" foreground="black"/>            
        <decoration foreColor="#B200B2"/>
        <paint palette="Pastel" paint="plain"/>

    So, I've removed and saved as xml file. Then, 100% working after rendering it again. I cannot convince why my laptop only shut down once for above coding.