I am working on revamping a sites' paging system, and I have run into something simple I can't seem to solve. I am trying to show pages (1 2 3 4 5) at a time, and when the user gets to page 5, the list changes to something like (4 5 6 7 8). How could I do this using a cfloop? Here is a sample of my code:
<cfloop from="1" to="#totalPages#" index="i">
<cfoutput><a class="paging" href="?start=#(i*25)-24#">#i#</a></cfoutput>
At the moment it shows pages 1 - 54 all at once. Any tips?
Heres my code
<cfset curPage = Int(start / 25) + 1>
<cfloop from="1" to="#totalPages#" index="i">
<cfif i is curPage>
<div class="page current">#i#</div>
<cfif totalPages lte 5 or i is 1 or i is totalPages or (i gt curPage - 3 and i lt curPage + 3) or ((curPage is 1 or curPage is 2) and i lt 6) >
<div class="page"><a href="?start=#(i*25)-24#">#i#</a></div>
<cfif i is 2 or i is totalPages - 1>
<div class="more">...</div>
What this code does is it shows the first 5 pages, then an ellipsis, then the last page. As you page through it, it will always show the link to the first and last page, plus 2 page before and after the current page.
Screenshots: Page 1 and page 10
You should be able to easily modify this to work exactly how you want it. (I happen to not like when all of the links change at once the way you described)