In Java given this:
String a = "str";
CharSequence b = "charseq";
you can write
b = b + a;
but cannot write (gives a compiler error)
b += a;
The error is
incompatible types
found : java.lang.CharSequence
required: java.lang.String
Now in JLS Second Edition this was explainable by this line in 15.26.2 Compound Assignment Operators:
All compound assignment operators require both operands to be of primitive type, except for +=, which allows the right-hand operand to be of any type if the left-hand operand is of type String.
But in JLS Third Edition this comment disappeared, the only thing that is said about compound operator is at 15.26.2 Compound Assignment Operators:
A compound assignment expression of the form E1 op= E2 is equivalent to E1 = (T)((E1) op (E2)), where T is the type of E1, except that E1 is evaluated only once.
which doesn't seem to work (see above).
So my question is - what exactly is the relationship between javac and JLS and is this particular example an error in javac or an error in JLS?
compiler error is a bug in your version javac. As pointed in prior answer this bug is fixed in Java 7.
See eg Bug ID 7058838 at Sun bug database:
A following function cannot be compiled in java 1.6 or less,. but it can be compiled in java 1.7.
public static void main(String[] args) {
Object x = "x";
String y = "y";
x += i;
For an Object x and a String y, x+=y is just x=(Object)(x+y). Since y is a String, x undergoes string conversion to produce a string which is concatenated with y, before the no-op cast to Object. The JLS has not changed in this area between SE 6 and SE 7; the program should have been legal for many years.
For a background, see also old Bug Id 4741726
javac used to allow expressions of the form
o += s
where o is a variable of type Object and s is an expression of type String. We fixed that recently (4642850) and this caused a build failure (4741702). Perhaps this is common enough that we should relax the spec instead of fixing the compiler?
I'm inclined to relax the spec, though we'd have to know what other implementations do before making a final call on this.
JLS3 permits Object+=String because the '+' means string concatenation and that is able to concatenate an Object with a String as easily as a String with an Object.